It is very typical for wigs to get tangled just like the human depending on the conditions that they are subjected to. This means that the quality and specific style you love as bundles with closure enthusiasts will lose meaning. There are a number of factors that can cause your wig to be tangled. These could be the way you wear clothes, the strength of the wind where you are, or rains and storms. However, having these challenges should not be the end of your road to buying or using wigs. This article will give you the tips that you need to keep your wig or hair intact.
Splash Detangling
Getting tricks from the internet is not enough, but practicing these tricks. Experts have extensively explored the effect of different detangles on different wigs and given ideal recommendations. You might need to splash on the parts of the wig or hair and make sure that the splashing is relatively even. It is best to retry or repeat in the event that you get that it is not working the first time.
Wig Washing
It might chance that you have extra time use it is best that you do routine washing of your wig to remove tangles. In this case, experts advise that you should use warm water to carry out the –whole preliminary exercise. Ensure that while washing the wig, the flow of water is unidirectional. The unidirectional water flow ensures that all tangles are destroyed, and there is no formation of new ones. Use a wig trimmer to comp your wig to ensure that there are no loose knots. Washing the wig in the proper way makes it more elastic and durable than wigs that are unwashed.
Brushing and Sectioning
Careful brushing and sectioning are one of the best tricks in detangling wigs. Be careful to choose wisely the appropriate brushes for this exercise, though. It is best if you go for brushes that have wide tooth fibers. The direction of brushing your wig is an essential aspect to consider. You need to brush your wig starting from the base to the top wig layer. This ensures that all the soft knots are removed, and the wig is straightened, not to mention to have a smooth texture.
Quality of Hair Items
It is of great value to mention that the quality of your hair will significantly affect the lifespan and quality of your wig too. When you use them instead of softening your hair, some products will make it become hard and brittle with time. You should use moisturizing agents. Dry hair will also mean a dry wig which will significantly impact the softness of your wig.
The Effect of Hair Masks
It is recommended that you do a hair mask regularly, maybe once or twice a week. This has been proved to improve the condition of your hair by experts. Hair masks do very well in restoring moisture to your hair. They also fix your loose tonics.